The lucky winner and their guest will master the operation of amotor cruiser aboard a beautiful 29ft Bayliner Ciera. The boat is moored in the award-winning Port Solent Marina, surrounded by restaurants, bars, cinema and a gym. Under the watchful eye of our Skipper, the first day will commence at 9am with instruction on seamanship and the basics, including manouvering the boat around the marina. After mooring the boat for the night, its time to roll out the sleeping bags and pick your berth. The following day you will be planning a passage to the Isle of Wight for a quick lunch in the harbour, to put into practice the skills you have learnt and mastering basic techniques. The experience is split roughly 75/25 boat to classroom and successful participants will be awarded a Powerboat Level 2 Qualification upon completion. Winners will enjoy full berth holder perks with access to the luxury berth-holder bathrooms and car park, just yards from where the boat is moored. Amazing fun and something you will want to experience again!
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